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Best Doctors for Bladder Cancer Treatment in Kingston

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FAQ’s about Bladder Cancer

The first stage of bladder cancer is characterized by cancer cells that are limited to the inner layer of the bladder wall (superficial cancer).
Bladder cancer is confirmed through various tests including cystoscopy, imaging scans (like CT urography), urine cytology, and biopsy.
People at higher risk include smokers, those exposed to certain chemicals (like in dye industries), older adults, men more than women, and individuals with a family history of bladder cancer.
Urine color may vary, but in some cases, it may appear red or pink due to blood in the urine (hematuria), which is a common symptom of bladder cancer.
Bladder cancer cannot be reliably tested at home. Diagnosis requires medical tests conducted by healthcare professionals.
See a urologist or an oncologist in Medicas specializing in urology for diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer.
Reputable telehealth platforms like Medicas with oncology departments that focus on urological cancers would be ideal places to seek treatment for bladder cancer.

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